Great post as always. I think we all struggle with office politics one way or another. I always think it’s important to check yourself when you’re feeling like something is amiss. Usually if something feels off, it is!

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Yes! I feel like for people who consciously use politics for the greater good, intentional bad politics will feel completely uncomfortable. It's like an internal spider sense.

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This one is super relatable Kax - great post. I've been working on how to get things done and navigate the office politics that pre-date myself. It can definitely make a slow org work even slower.

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Thank you!!!

Navigating other people's politics is so interesting! How is it working for you? And sometimes I wonder if slow is always a bad thing. Mostly because I've also seen when things go too fast or too soon - some things do get bulldozed and not in a good way (at least from my perspective).

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The reframe of the majority of "politicking" to relationship-building has helped me immensely, too. +1 on building up self-awareness as well, to keep our intentions for all the relationships that are a part of our personal and professional selves in check.

Thanks for sharing openly on this topic - it's integral to collaboration-heavy jobs and careers!

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Thank you!!! And you're absolutely right. I think to actively avoid politics is naive. To be unaffected by other people's negative politics is a different story.

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Relationship building goes a long way in product management! Thank you for a good post and stories from your jobs in PM.

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Relationship building is probably how I got most things done when I didn't have the right tools for the problem at hand.

And thank you for always sharing your thoughts and feelings about my stories!🫶

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